They will help you discover if you are repeating patterns of behavior "inherited" from your family and to finally enjoy healthier and more conscious relationships.
What is Family Constellations Therapy ?
Family Constellations Therapy, pioneered by psychotherapist and philosopher Bert Hellinger and his colleagues, has become increasingly recognised as an astounding, powerful and far-reaching approach to finding lasting resolutions in cases which before had seemed beyond reach.
It brings to light our deep interconnectedness with family and community and leads to a deep experiential understanding of primordial love at the heart of all kinds of mental, psychosomatic and bodily suffering.
Once that love is freed from unconscious entanglements dating back one, two or even three generations, it becomes a force for profound healing.”(Dr Albrecht Mahr)
Fascinating clip by the renowned biologist Rupert Sheldrake explains Systemic Family Constellations explaining the science behind it and where we see it throughout nature.
What are Organisational Constellations and When to do a Family Constellation?
The Organisational Constellation method can be used to solve relationship problems within organizations. as well as:
- An important life event has occurred (such as early deaths or separations of parents or siblings, exclusion or expulsion of a family member, early hospitalisation, major accidents or illnesses or disablements, complications during childbirth, adoptions, abortions)
- Persistent body symptoms (such as obesity, anorexia, asthma, panic attacks, ulcer colitis, cancer).
- This work is complementary to medical care and not a substitute for it: thorough medical assessment and treatment is of course necessary first.
- Persistent emotional symptoms (such as rage, depression …)
- Persistent behavioural symptoms (such as addictions, accident proneness, eating disorders)
- There are patterns that seem resistant to change.
- One feels stuckness or weighed down in life, not able to be oneself.
Family Constellations Workshops
A group of participants (10-30), led by a trained facilitator, sit in a circle. One participant (client) is selected to work on a personal issue. The others either serve as “representatives” or actively contribute by observing with concentration.. The client stands behind and puts his hands on the shoulders of each representative in turn. Then, the client sits down. Nobody says anything for a while. The representatives tune in the resonance of the family field. The facilitator asks the representatives what they’re feeling. Constellation Workshops provide an opportunity to explore and illuminate the dynamics behind personal difficulties in a fresh way.
These workshops provide a safe, supportive and accessible introduction to constellation work, in a loving, calm and clear environment. I would wholeheartedly recommend this work to anyone who feels drawn towards constellations. The workshops take place in Avda Los Boliches 80, 2ºA
Three Dimensions of Consciousness – Dan Booth Cohen, PhD Systemic Family Constellations.
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