As one of millions ‘awaking’ in recent years I have become increasingly aware of our ‘reality’, on a global as well as personal basis. A fascinating journey, from which there is no going back, has enabled me to grow up and comprehend as a conscious being that what I was seeking externally in my life was, and has always been within in me, waiting for discovery. Understanding awareness and consciousness has been a fundamental part of this learning.
Awareness is at its core, intellectual understanding. Although closely ‘related’ to knowledge it’s more evolved. Having knowledge does not guarantee awareness whilst awareness does require knowledge, as well as an all important dose of personal experience.
Greater awareness requires open minded skepticism, i.e. having the ability to take on new information (data) whilst remaining skeptical to its content. In your own development skeptism should be a well sharpened instrument in your tool box.
Being told by some so and so ‘that it is so’’ does not necessarily mean it is ! Only personal experience can help us come to such conclusions. Converting either yours or ‘their’ beliefs into truth is a fundamental process in personal development. When you have arrived to a ‘truth’ staying open minded to new data, whether experiential or theoretical, is also important. The trick here is to be sufficiently open minded as to allow data in whilst avoiding your brain falling out !
Another ingredient for awareness is intuition. The dictionary definition of intuition is ‘the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning’ . Could this be misleading? Could it be more aptly defined as ‘the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for intellectual reasoning?
There are some persons with greater intuition than others with no ‘logical’ reason as to why. A more esoteric explanation is that such persons are, as a result of repeated incarnations, older more evolved souls. Others might say ‘it’s in the genes’, or simply that some of us got a bigger dollop than others somewhere down the line.
For this exercise it doesn’t really matter, as my theory simply requires intuition to be nurtured through greater awareness and higher consciousness. ‘Stop’! I hear some say. ‘That’s a flawed statement’. If awareness requires intuition in the first place how can it then ‘feed it’ ? Well like the proverbial chicken and the egg conundrum, they evolved together.
In resume we can not be aware of what is beyond our awareness. We can however increase our awareness by being open to learning new things which as a consequence will help us better understand our reality.
The polar opposite to awareness is obviously ignorance. Ignorance is like an odorless gas – to be avoided like a broken gas heater ! The problem with ignorance is that you don’t know what you don’t know, therefore the metaphoric carbon monoxide might literally take away your livelihood (or worse) whilst you sleep snugly in an ignorant ‘fog of bliss’. So how do we avoid this?
Getting off the sofa and searching out new experiences is a good start, followed by watching out what goes into your stomach, respecting your health generally, going the extra mile, living and loving life and everyone in it to the full, persistently looking to increase knowledge whilst washing it all down with lashings of open minded skepticism.
So why is greater awareness so important in the 21st century? There are those that might say the world is so irreversible skewed up that ignorance is indeed bliss. Although that might have a certain sweet twang on a bad day I’d suggest such folk install the gas sensors as their lives are possibly going to change for the worse, and the change may come while they slumber!
Before having too many of my own experiences, intuition told me as a young tear away that people in positions of authority and / or power did not necessary give them automatic entrance into the realm of being right, or indeed have my best interests at heart. Those around me not sharing such a theorem – family, teachers, the law etc. – initially decided I was disruptive and eventually just damn right anti establishment ! As a result one could say I had an eventful, albeit very happy, childhood!
So as I waded through my early years did this ‘immature’ childish guerrero convert into a mature thought provoking adult . Damn right he did simply confirming what my intuition told me at eight!
The most important thing to be aware of in 2015, apart from the global fiat, usury, fractional ponzi financial system, is that those nice people elected and chosen to public office do not necessarily have at heart the best intentions or interests of the man in the street, i.e. you and me, and will lie, deceive and often worse, to achieve their (or the real makers and shakers) objectives. The problem is that even if they wanted to do things ‘right’ they simply can’t. The current system controlled by an all powerful establishment, corrupted and often vile at its pinnacle, simply doesn’t give them that room. The dice being definitely loaded in favour of the big money boys namely – financial institutions and multi national cooperation’s.
So does this mean all elected (and unelected, come to that) public servants are icky soles? No, most of them are like you and me who either live in a conditioned denial, consciously choose ignorance as a way of life, have not yet awoken, or discover, after idealistic beginnings, the whole system they bought into is heavily tipped in favour of a manipulating few.
Upon the realisation of this truth they can either acquiesce, i.e. carrying on ‘playing the game’, albeit now consciously, or look to jump ship. Problem here is that these mere souls after years of toil, dragging themselves through the ranks, suffering 25 hour days with streams of sweat and no lack of tears have acquired all the material benefits that go with the terrain, and just in case they had thought of getting out, their lives are probably leveraged to the hilts with lashings of debt.
With a prospect like that the water below becomes ‘Titanticly’ cold!
Then there are the career politicians, (we’ll leave out the bankers and cooperate CEO’s for the moment), who’s decisions are focalised around personal ego and financial gain within a political / corporate revolving door mise en scéne. Their motivations and actions speaking louder about their quality of being than any pre rehearsed ‘ad hoc sincerity’ freshly purged by their spin masters.
I haven’t worked out yet if these folk are born with psychopathic tendencies or they simply germinate once in position. I don’t mean they necessarily revel in having people illiminated, though with some you have to wonder, I refer to their greatest angst, the fear of being caught in what ever they, or their henchmen are perfidiously implementing ! Anyone with this psychopathic symptom has one common flaw, they lie and lie and if necessary lie a bit more! Hey Tony ?
Very occasionally even one of these ‘high flyers’ decide its time to jump ship springing into action their own secret agencies. Agencies busy setting up honey pots and spreading lies, particularly on the internet, about whichever individuals they target, swearing allegiance to a four D agenda, Deny – Disrupt – Degrade – Deceive that would make any decenter contemplate their ‘values’.
In resume I get the feeling that the 21st century establishment with their hierarchical structures and consequent paradigms encourage a certain type of person into positions of high power whilst the lower echelons of elected and unelected public servants subsequently fall into a type of institutionalised subornation to be preserved at all costs as to avoid the icy Atlantic or worse!.
Within this political back drop the degeneration of public services, social reforms, along with the destruction of the worlds resources is taking place. Cooperation’s and bankers have gained control of our public servants and global organisations, ensuring laws, wars and global migration are based on their own engrossment & not the greater good of electorates and their environment.
Lastly but not ‘leastly’ let’s not forget our mainstream media outlets owned by delightfully charming gents such as Rupert Murdoch, or Disney’s ABC news network, regurgitating 24/7 a narrative so twisted and distorted that the truth has become a simple inconvenience. Sadly we’re ‘luvin it’, believing politicians bullshit, cooperation propaganda, and that celebrity through mediocracy is kool, with a capital K. After all would Mickey Mouse skew us!!!
Being more awareness of this reality is fundamental for our long term well being. Hopefully your own experiential journey of awakening will be fast and not too vexatious.
Okay, so there are many negative facets responsible for the problems we face. By ascribing problems to – this – that – and the other i.e. third parties, we are on a hiding to nothing, albeit it does serve as a great ‘softener’ on a bad day!
Change starts with ourselves, our habits, and own ability to respond – i.e. responsibility. Our materialistic lifestyles in which consumerism has become a new religion, and debt an acceptable method of funding it, means our own unconscious servitude has greatly reduced our ability to respond and create change.
Bellyaching about influential shakers, whether financial or political, leveraging power for their own gain, ain’t the answer either. I suggest we start by looking at our own behaviour and cultural habits. We have created a culture of ‘doing’ because we can, and not because it’s right.
Our successful growth is about commom-unity, working together, doing what’s right and not simply what’s right for you. This selfish egoistic trend, fueled by a slick commercial advertising machine, reflects in the quality of public servants we have been graced to ‘choose’ from. How can we expect to find the truth if we are in denial ourselves?
So, what of consciousness and what does that have to do with a world falling apart?
Mainstream science would have us conclude that consciousness is generated by the brain. i.e. no brain no consciousness. Fortunately this reductionist idiocy is slowly being overturned by more enlightened scientific souls, but in the meantime whole industries and educational syllabuses are still established on such fallacy.
Ironically modern day objective science, born from the scientific renaissance as an alternative to dogmatic 16th century Catholicism, has since morphed itself into its very own religion – dogma and all. This is particularly evident from its perspective on Newtonian causality and the presumption that – if you can’t measure something i.e. its not accessible to the five senses, it simply does not exist, or if it does it has no importance as we can have no interaction. This obviously does not mean Newton was wrong but simply that his science has become a subset to a new reality that mankind has become aware of since his own hard slog.
Even for a scientific dimwit like myself who flunked miserably all science at school I can categorically say todays dogma is hogwash and can give three quick examples as to why.
One : The double spilt experiment first carried out almost one hundred years ago and repeated hundreds of time since proves beyond doubt ( using their trusted scientific method) that outcome can be determined by observation. i.e. when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change !
Two: In Terrance Mckenna’s famous words about science he said :-
“Give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.”
The one free miracle being the appearance of all matter and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it from nothing in that single instant, i.e. the big bang. Thereafter everything else can be explained by cause and effect!
Three: And my favourite; despite the requirement for something – anything – to be real it must first be measurable using the ‘Scientific Method’. SM is used to determine all mainstream scientific theories. In the case of medicine however it insists on the placebo effect being taken into account before making any trial valid!! How crazy is that ? This is the same placebo effect that science itself can not explain!
Trillions are invested in this scientific hypocritical falsehood.
Our forefathers talked of working towards a better future for their children and their children’s children. The last 200 years of exponential growth in population, technology, science, economics, food supply, money supply, debt, etc. and the consequent exploitation of our natural resources ensure that the decisions we make today will literally determine our tomorrow i.e. our immediate futures. What is lacking is the all important exponential shift in human consciousness required to understand how we can thrive in this intriguing new world.
Whilst the ‘old school’ dwell on old truths, new indisputable evidence about our own evolution and the universe has been discovered which mainstream science, historians i.e. the ‘establishment’ refuse to recognise. As a result we are trying to solve new problems based upon ‘old truths’.
The massive flaws in 21st century mainstream science means that it can not yet be counted upon to provide answers to the so far un answered mysteries of the universe. For the biggest question i,e, ‘What is the purpose of the human experience’ we simple need to work it out ourselves in a gnostic way . My own knowing from experience tell me it’s a game of understanding. A game we come into with no written rules, and who’s lessons consist of 99.99% ‘on the job training’! Often tough and even inhuman it should be played with discipline along with large helpings of laughter and fun!
I have come to realise the game is not a race, parade nor a competition, and that it is an experiential journey custom designed by our free will to increase consciousness and evolve spiritual being within a physical matter reality, person by person, generation by generation.
We are at a crossroads in this process. A crossroads we had to arrive at. We are in effect, exactly where we had to be, both on a macro (nations) and micro (personal) basis. The earth is going nowhere, the question is what will it look like at the end of this century, & will we still be around? After hundreds of generations our own experiential solutions have never been so important if we are to evolve to a level that does not involve stroking mankind’s self destruct button.
To really understand consciousness you have to feel it, and here comes the crutch of the matter. If awareness uses the intellect, i.e. the brain, consciousness is about feeling it – feeling it in the heart. Physically a short distance from awareness but a massive journey in understanding!
Understanding this in certain languages has an added difficulty in that the same word is used from awareness as it is for consciousness. Spanish is a good example!
So if awareness is an intellectual knowing, an understanding, why when we are aware of negative behaviour, don’t we change it?
Now that’s a complicated question, ask any addict. The mother of answers to this conundrum is that we have not felt the true depths of the problem in our hearts. Our heart is no doubt our ‘wisest’ organ. When we act from it we become the answer i.e. the solution, and we stop ‘being’ the problem. Being conscious is therefore a knowing, deep from within the heart.
This is somewhat ironic bearing in mind we relate consciousness to the brain. I suggest that consciousness is what connects us all within a unified field, who’s ‘signal’ is received by the brain and message is felt in the heart.
Unfortunately such subjective ‘theories’ are ‘relegated’ at best to the realms of spiritualiality, and whilst science is moving forward its dogma is pulling the reigns back, keeping it firmly entrenched in 20th century paradigms. If this trend does not change, and quickly, we have quite a problem on our hands in the 21st Century!
So in resume : It’s physically a short trip – brain awareness to heart consciousness – it just seems a bloody long way!! In fact many of us go to the grave without completing this short journey! This needs to change, and change is coming. Holding us back is our obsession with the scientific material being, as opposed to the comprehension of our spiritual being.
So back to the initial question. With the status quo of mankind’s ‘immature’ state of consciousness, the advent of genetic engineering, robotics, A.I. and the subsequent moment of singularity , avoiding mans own apparent self destruction is, I suggest, a process that is moving exponentially towards its tipping point. If we are to improve our ability to thrive, improve sustainably with harmonious compatibility we must change our negative habits by first being aware of them and secondly by being truly conscious of their consequences, nation by nation, company by company, heart by heart.
Stephen Griffin
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